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Make It Work: Guidelines for Office Cleaning

Published on April 29, 2023

By: GetCleaned Quality Cleaning Services

 Make It Work: Guidelines for Office Cleaning

Save Time & Effort with Professional Cleaners

Keeping an office clean is a crucial component of maintaining workplace hygiene and ensuring the overall health and safety of employees. A tidy and organized office not only looks presentable, but it can also help to reduce the transmission of illnesses and infectious diseases. Additionally, maintaining cleanliness is essential for creating a productive workspace. Regular cleaning and maintenance can even extend the lifespan of office furniture, equipment, and other investments, which can save businesses money in the long run.

This guide aims to provide an overview of the importance of office cleaning and its benefits. We will also discuss the necessary supplies and equipment required, guidelines for effective office cleaning, health and safety regulations, commercial cleaning services, DIY cleaning methods, maintenance strategies, and pest control.

Office cleaning is a process that involves keeping an office or workspace clean and organized. This includes regular dusting, vacuuming, and wiping surfaces, removing clutter and waste, and maintaining furniture and equipment. Clean and tidy offices not only look professional, but they also create a safe and healthy working environment.
There are several types of office cleaning that can be conducted to ensure maximum cleanliness and safety for office staff. These include daily cleaning, deep cleaning, specialized cleaning, and disinfection.

Daily office cleaning involves basic cleaning tasks that must be carried out on a regular basis to maintain good hygiene. This includes dusting surfaces, vacuuming carpets and rugs, wiping spills, emptying waste bins, and mopping floors. These tasks can be completed daily or more frequently, as needed.

Deep office cleaning is a more intensive process than daily cleaning. It involves more thorough cleaning operations, such as washing walls and ceilings, cleaning doors and windows, and sanitizing high-touch surfaces. Deep cleaning should be done weekly or monthly to ensure that all parts of the office are kept thoroughly clean.
Specialized office cleaning refers to specific tasks that require special attention. This includes carpet and upholstery cleaning, polishing hard surfaces, window washing, and high dusting. These tasks can be completed monthly or quarterly to ensure that all areas of the office remain in top condition.

Disinfection is a method of cleaning that is used to kill microorganisms, bacteria, and viruses. Frequent disinfection of high-touch surfaces can help to prevent the spread of germs and illness in the office. A disinfectant solution must be applied to all surfaces and allowed to sit for a few minutes before it is wiped off with a clean, damp cloth or paper towel.

To effectively clean and maintain an office space, certain supplies and equipment are required. These include cleaning cloths, a reliable vacuum cleaner, a broom and dustpan, a mop, non-toxic cleaning agents, disinfectants, paper towels, a paintbrush, and a window cleaner. Having the right supplies and equipment can make office cleaning more efficient and create a more pleasant working environment.

Keeping the office environment clean and hygienic is essential for the health, safety, and productivity of employees. Follow these basic guidelines to ensure a clean workspace:

  • High-traffic areas such as lobbies, break rooms, and restrooms should be cleaned at least once a day, while other areas can be done less frequently.
  • Office cleaning should focus on removing dust, dirt, and germs. Use a disinfectant solution to clean commonly touched surfaces like handrails, door handles, and light switches. Vacuum, damp mop, or sweep and mop floors daily, and wipe down windows and other glass surfaces weekly.
  • Always follow occupational health and safety regulations, use proper personal protective equipment (PPE), and prohibit eating, drinking, or smoking in areas being cleaned.
  • Use appropriate tools, such as a vacuum cleaner for carpets, floors, and upholstery, a mop and bucket for hard floors, and a dust cloth or microfiber cloth for wiping down surfaces. Have glass cleaners, metal and wood polishes, and all-purpose cleaning solutions on hand.
  • Establish an efficient cleaning plan to maximize time and resources. Prioritize tasks based on need, break down large tasks into smaller ones, and utilize the latest technologies and equipment.


Additionally, it is essential to be aware of health and safety regulations that apply to office cleaning to ensure the safety of all employees and minimize risks. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires employers to follow certain safety standards, provide training, and comply with other relevant laws and regulations such as the General Duty Clause.

Pests can also be a concern in the workplace, so it's important to take preventative measures such as keeping the office clean, ensuring rubbish is disposed of securely, and installing window and door screens. If you suspect you have pests in your office, contact a professional pest control service.

Hiring a commercial cleaning service can offer many advantages such as ensuring a high standard of cleanliness, freeing up employee resources, doing a more thorough job, and potentially saving money in the long run.
DIY office cleaning is an excellent way to save money while maintaining a clean and organized workspace. Here are some of the most effective methods for DIY office cleaning:

  • Dust Regularly: Dust accumulates easily in an office environment, so it's important to dust regularly to prevent it from getting out of control. Dusting can be done using a damp cloth or soft dusting mop. Start at the top of the room and work downwards, dusting all surfaces including bookshelves, desks, countertops, and windowsills. When dusting furniture, use a soft brush attachment on a vacuum cleaner or an electrostatic duster.
  • Wash Floors: Floors should be washed at least once a week to keep them free from dirt and debris. Use a mop and floor cleaner specifically designed for the type of flooring in your office. For tile floors, you can use a damp mop with a mixture of water and mild detergent. If your office has wooden floors, use a mop with a wood cleaner or polish. For carpeted areas, use a vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner to remove dirt and stains.
  • Clean Air Vents: Clean air vents help keep the air in the office fresh and reduce allergens. Use a soft paintbrush to gently remove dust from air vents. If your office has a ventilation system, use a vacuum cleaner to suck up dust and debris from the vents and ducts.
  • Clean Surfaces and Electronics: Surfaces should be wiped down regularly using a soft cloth or sponge and a mild cleaning solution. If your office has any electronics, such as computers and phones, they should also be wiped down regularly to remove any dust or dirt. Electronic equipment should never be sprayed directly, as the liquid can damage the sensitive parts inside.
  • Sanitize Common Areas: It's important to sanitize common areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and break rooms. Use a disinfectant cleaner to wipe down surfaces and use a paper towel to dry them off afterwards. This will help prevent the spread of germs and keep the office environment healthier.


Maintaining a clean office environment is essential for creating a productive, efficient, and comfortable workspace. Here are some tips for maintaining a clean office environment:

  • Daily Cleaning: Having a daily cleaning routine is one of the most important steps in maintaining a clean office environment. Daily cleanings should involve wiping down communal workspaces such as desks, tables, and chairs, as well as vacuuming or mopping floors and disinfecting doorknobs, phones, keyboards, and light switches.
  • Organization: Establishing an organizing system within the office can help reduce clutter and make it easier to maintain cleanliness. This includes setting rules on how to store items such as paperwork, files, and supplies, as well as having a designated area for large pieces of equipment or furniture.
  • Rubbish Disposal: Setting up garbage bins around the office can help encourage employees to throw away their trash and maintain a clean workspace. Empty bins regularly and have them placed where they are easily accessible.
  • Lighting: Proper lighting can help enhance the appearance of an office and make it easier to spot dirt and dust build-up. opt for natural lighting when possible and supplement with task lights or floor lamps where needed.
  • Humidity Control: Proper humidity levels are important for maintaining a clean office environment. If the humidity is too high, mold and mildew may start to grow, while low humidity can cause dust accumulation. Invest in a humidifier or dehumidifier to keep the air fresh.


By following these tips, you can keep your office neat and organized, allowing employees to focus on their work more efficiently and comfortably.

It is important to note that the information provided in this guide is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. Businesses should always consult with a professional cleaner or cleaning service before implementing any cleaning practices or procedures. Additionally, businesses should adhere to local health and safety regulations when it comes to cleaning practices and the use of cleaning products.

In conclusion, keeping an office clean and organized is a vital part of maintaining workplace hygiene and ensuring the overall health and safety of employees. Regular cleaning and maintenance not only create a productive workspace, but can also extend the lifespan of office furniture, equipment, and other investments. By following the guidelines and using the necessary supplies and equipment, any office can be kept clean and safe for everyone.